
الحصان العربي الأصيل:


الحصان العربي الأصيل له بنية فيزيائية صلبة ، وخصائصه الفيزيائية تختلف حسب المنطقة التي نشأت فيها. في شبه الجزيرة العربية نفسها ، تختلف خصائص الحصان من منطقة إلى أخرى. تختلف خصائصها في بلاد الشام والمغرب. نجدية هي أرقى وأقدم الخيول ، ومعرفة الخيول بالخيول هي من الصفات الجيدة التي تميز هذه الخيول في شبه الجزيرة العربية ، خاصةً مجفف الهواء الجاف. تعتبر خيول النجدي الشكل المثالي للحصان العربي الأصلي من حيث الركوب والعرق.
الخصائص الفيزيائية للخيول العربية الأصيلة


Is the head of the Arabian horse. This is one of the most important characteristics of the original Arabian horse, because it depends on its quality, originality and originality, and the best Arabian horses formed by a pyramid and consistency in shape.
 It has a wide front, decorated with a blank of any white in the middle.
The horse is characterized by the beauty of its composition. It is soft-skinned and free of lint and small thigh meat. The authentic Arabian horse has wide black eyes and beautiful eyes, as it is far from the ears, and the front hair flows to protect it from the scorching sun.
[Sinan Abu Dawood The original horse has a soft nose (nose and mouth) and a straight nose with two large nostrils, which help him breathe a large amount of oxygen when running.
The original horse has prominent cheek muscles, and a wide distance between the jaws, but its mouth is wide and narrow, and the original Arabian horse trunk is characterized by a composition different from all horses, and depends on the strength and speed and patience on the body. Above, the back is short and wide, and it is unique that the number of vertebral vertebrae less than one paragraph of the other horses, for the short and direct forward and slightly angled, the greater the distance between the shoulders wide chest.
Great and good, the origin of the Arabian horse has two lungs. For the simultaneous introduction of oxygen into the lungs, which helps him to breathe easily, long distances and supernatural speed, without feeling tired or stressed.
General characteristics of Arabian horses


Ideal fitness: rare Arabian horse diseases, quick healing wounds, and forcing bones quickly after fractures.
Patience: It is patient to thirst and to travel long distances.
Courage: The courage of the Arab horse is born with him from the small; that is, instinctive, help him to endure the battles.
 Not affected by the loud voice, no fear of the tiger nor the lion.
Intelligence and loyalty: is one of the first types of horses in terms of intelligence, concentration, memory strength and loyalty to the owner, because it is sensitive and responsive, and has the ability to adapt to high climatic fluctuations.
Fertility: It is very fertile.

Small size: It is small in size and very hard.
يحب الموسيقى: يشترك في هذه الملكية مع خيول أخرى ، ويعبر عن رده على الموسيقى من خلال حوافره ، ويتأرجح جسمه وفقًا للإيقاع.
لا يأكل الشراهة: كن راضيًا عن القليل من الطعام ، وكن مستعدًا دائمًا لتنفيذ الأوامر ، ولا يفقد أبدًا الحماس.


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